Get timeless answers to 10 timely questions!
God's word says, "Get wisdom and whatever you get, get insight." Proverbs 4:7
Christians just like you are faithfully wrestling with the challenging issues of our day, but the Bible has timeless truths to help us deal with these pressing questions!
That is why Dr. Jim Denison wrote Biblical Insight to Tough Questions: Volume 3. This book answers ten pressing questions from readers just like you. Questions like:
- What should I do when I don't feel close to God?
- Should a Christian take medication for anxiety or depression?
- How should a Christian vote?
- Is it wrong to drink alcohol as a Christian?
Request your copy of our newest booklet today to gain a Biblical understanding on some of the most challenging issues of our day.
We pray it will bless, encourage, and inspire you as you seek to change the culture.
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