Can God still do today what he did so long ago?
The book of Acts records God’s miraculous movement through the early church.
- “The Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved” (Acts 2:47).
- “Leaping up, [a man lame from birth] stood and began to walk” (Acts 3:8).
- “Many of those who had heard the word believed, and the number of the men came to about five thousand” (Acts 4:4).
The Holy Spirit who moved through the first-century church is still the same today.
God’s power is still just as powerful.
So why aren’t most of us experiencing his power in our churches and in our personal lives?
In Bold Faith: First-Century Lessons for Twenty-First-Century Christians, Dr. Jim Denison answers that question through a cultural commentary on the book of Acts.

To learn how the early church was so bold in their faith against a culture starkly opposed to Christianity, please request your copy of Bold Faith today.
NOTE: Each of the 15 chapters contains 3 reflection questions that can be used for personal Bible study or in a small group setting.
Bold Faith follows the book of Acts because there we find clear examples of Christ’s continued work through Christians as a result of the Spirit’s influence in their lives.
As a Christian that same Spirit resides just as much in your life.
But if we have the same Holy Spirit in us as they did, why does it often seem like we struggle to have the same impact on our culture today?
What lessons can we learn from their example to guide us as we continue to fulfill Christ’s calling to be his “witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth?”
You cannot measure the eternal significance of present faithfulness.
That focus on present faithfulness was crucial to the effectiveness of those early Christians.
And Bold Faith will help you see and experience the Holy Spirit’s power and movement in your church and your life.
Request your copy of Bold Faith today.
—Jim Denison, PhD
CEO, Denison Ministries
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