Got tough questions about God and faith?
It’s easy to get tripped up on hard questions about God and the way he works.
That’s why Dr. Jim Denison wrote his latest book, Biblical Insight to Tough Questions, Vol. 9. And it’s why we’d love to send you a copy today!

Dr. Denison doesn’t shy away from some of the toughest questions about God and faith in this helpful and practical resource. Questions like…
- Is God's judgement fair?
- Are things like COVID part of God's judgment on earth?
- Will Christians have to give an account of every wrong word and thought, even if they have been confessed?
Biblical Insight to Tough Questions, Vol. 9 is our gift to thank you for your donation to help more people discern the news differently. So request it when you give below, knowing that every dollar you give reaches one new reader with biblical insight.
Thank you — and know we’re praying that God uses Biblical Insight to Tough Questions, Vol. 9 to help you better understand his love, trust his heart, and deepen your relationship with him.
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