110 questions. 110 biblical answers.
Collect the full Biblical Insight series today.
Following Christ today isn’t easy.
In fact, it’s getting harder with every passing year as our culture moves further and further away from God.
As a father and now a grandfather, Dr. Jim Denison knows the pressure his children and grandchildren are facing as a result.
The pressure to conform.
The pressure to compromise.
The pressure to deny the authority of God’s Word.
This is why he’s invested untold hours over many years writing a series of books called Biblical Insight to Tough Questions.
And we want to put the entire 10-volume set—including Vol. 11.—in your hands to thank you for your donation of $175 or more today.

In these pages, you’ll have access to 110 of our culture’s toughest questions, all answered with Scripture.
The questions include:
- Should I attend a gay wedding? (Vol. 11)
- Can I really overcome temptation and sin? (Vol. 2)
- Is it wrong to drink alcohol as a Christian? (Vol. 3)
- Why have so many prominent evangelicals and church leaders fallen? (Vol. 7)
- How do we know Jesus Christ existed? (Vol. 5)
So please request the 10-book box set of Biblical Insight to Tough Questions, plus Vol. 11, below.
We pray God uses it in your life and in the lives of those you love and lead.
If you wish to receive only a print copy of Biblical Insight to Tough Questions, Vol. 11 for your donation of $8 or more, please click here.
If you'd like to order multiple copies, please leave your desired quantity in the comments box. We ask that you donate at least $175 per book in order to cover our printing and shipping costs. We are unable to ship outside of the United States.
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