Experience the great calm of Jesus in every circumstance

Everyone has those 3 a.m. moments with God. Those moments when we toss and turn and just can’t seem to quiet our worries and we think…
- “Lord, are you going to do something?”
- “Do you really care?”
- “Can’t you see we need help right now?”
- “But Lord, did you hear what the doctor said?”
- “Lord, will I be lonely for the rest of my life?”
- “How do I fix it, Lord?”
- “Are the best days in the rearview mirror?”
In moments like these, we need more than answers. We need peace. We need something to ground our hearts and minds on when the emotional, mental, and relational storms are raging.
This is why Dr. Jim Denison’s wife, Janet Denison, wrote her devotional book, A Great Calm — and it’s why we want to put a copy in your hands today.
Filled with wisdom, A Great Calm provides you with page after page of helpful, practical, and most of all, biblical guidance as you walk through… or prepare to walk through… times of challenge and trial.
A Great Calm is something you’ll want to keep on a shelf, your bedside table, or where you can reach for it at any time of the day or night. And it’s our gift to thank you for your donation of $21 or more to help more people discern the news differently through Denison Forum.
Thank you for giving, and may God use A Great Calm to help you experience his peace in every circumstance.
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