Dining Out For Life

Dining Out For Life

Thank you for supporting  Dining Out For Life Greater Palm Springs 2024.

100% of the funds raised support the work DAP Health does every day to protect and expand access to care for individuals living with and aging with HIV/AIDS.

 Thanks to generous humanitarians like you, DAP Health is able to offer high-quality, culturally comprehensive HIV/AIDS care to members of our community that need it the most. 

Your dollars directly impact the lives of DAP Health patients.

$25 provides someone with a free HIV self-test.

$125 covers the lab tests for someone starting PrEP for HIV prevention.

$250 provides 25 free and confidential HIV tests at a clinic.

$500 provides three community members with basic needs such as food, transportation, and clothing.


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This gift will be processed immediately.

The same amount will then be recurrently processed starting on the date selected, until the subscription is modified or cancelled.

For example: Johnny Smith, Sue Smith's Birthday, etc.

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      DAP Health
      1695 N Sunrise Way
      Palm Springs, California 92262