The mission of the Cumberland University Parent & Family Association (CUPFA) is to promote parent and student engagement and inclusivity at all levels of collegiate life through the active support, outreach, and recognition of parents, students, alumni and the university.

CUPFA is actively involved at CU and as a parent or family member, you play an important role in the lives of CU students. We want to keep in touch and keep you informed. Email is our primary means of communicating with parents and families, so we encourage you to sign up so that you can be in the know on all of the exciting upcoming things at Cumberland!

Annual fees are $15 and those funds go towards parent and family events and activities--click the "Give Now" button to sign up.  For questions, please contact Dr. Sheridan Henson, or Katie Wolfe, or  Be sure to follow us on Facebook here!

Get your Phoenix gear here!


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For example: Johnny Smith, Sue Smith's Birthday, etc.

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      Cumberland University
      1 Cumberland Square
      Lebanon, Tennessee 37087-3408