Discover Deep-Rooted Hope!

Discover Deep-Rooted Hope!

Steve Robinson Ministries is a media ministry of Church of the King that exists for one reason—to reach people and build lives. Through television and radio broadcasts, devotional content, spiritual growth campaigns, and more, people are being reached every day with the hope and power of Christ.

With your one-time donation or by becoming a ministry partner with a recurring donation, you'll not only play a vital role in helping people around the world connect with God, grow in community, discover their purpose, and go make a difference in their communities, but you'll also receive a copy of my book, Hope Again, as a THANK YOU for your generosity.

Do you face each day with deep-rooted hope... or do you feel like you’re just trying to keep your head above water? Our world is filled with bad news, so where on earth can we find real hope? We find the answer in God’s Word!

Hope Again is a transformative, six-week study of Romans 1–8. Together, we'll discover how God makes broken things beautiful, turns tragedy into triumph, and brings dead things to life. Thank you for your support!


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          Steve Robinson Ministries is a media ministry of Church of the King, a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, and all gifts are tax-deductible as allowed by law. You will receive a receipt via email once your donation has been processed. Any personal information you entrust to Steve Robinson Ministries will not be shared with any third party, unless otherwise noted. Furthermore, Church of the King is accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

          Steve Robinson Ministries

          (985) 727-7017
          22205 Little Creek Rd
          Mandeville, Louisiana 70471