What's Next? Briefing Package Special
Learn about what the future holds with the What's Next? Briefing Package Special resource from Connect with Skip Heitzig. This package includes Skip Heitzig's book You Can Understand the Book of Revelation, a message from Skip called "The Coming Deception," and two booklets by Skip: Jesus Loves Terrorists and Standing Firm in Unsettling Times.

You Can Understand the Book of Revelation by Skip Heitzig
Does the book of Revelation seem mysterious and confusing to you? Are you skeptical or fearful about it? In this book, Skip Heitzig guides you through the amazing prophecies of the end times, teaching you how to interpret the final book of the Bible.
Jesus Loves Terrorists Booklet by Skip Heitzig
In this booklet, Skip Heitzig uses the astonishing conversion story of the apostle Paul to discuss the reality of terrorism, the response it demands, and the difficult but crucial truth that terrorists can be reached.
Standing Firm in Unsettling Times Booklet by Skip Heitzig
In this booklet, Skip Heitzig uses Psalm 46 to remind us to stand still when we are overwhelmed. This knowledge gives us the strength we need to surrender to the One who is in control of every circumstance.
“The Coming Deception” by Skip Heitzig
The Antichrist will come to the earth and gain international authority, and he won't be alone—a religious deceiver will aid and abet this global leader. In this message on CD, Skip Heitzig considers the end-time teaching of Islam to see if it is related to the Bible's predictions about what's next.