You Can Help Bring Hope to a Desperate World!

You Can Help Bring Hope to a Desperate World!

Peter’s letters in the New Testament are filled to the brim with hope. 1st and 2nd Peter remind us that:

· God has given us new birth into a “living hope” through Christ’s resurrection.

· We can set our hope on the grace that is coming with Jesus’ return.

· We should be prepared to give an answer for the hope that is in us.

Are you prepared to give an answer for the hope that is in you? Can you encourage, edify, and equip those around you who have no hope?

Of course you can! And Back to the Bible wants to encourage you in this.

When you make a gift to Back to the Bible today, you are making it possible for thousands of people who need the hope of Christ, experience it. Your gift will go directly to getting the Bible into the hands of people who have yet to read it and also help strengthen the relationship that people, like you, have with God by equipping them with resources to go deeper in His Word.

As a thank you for your donation today, we want to send you a book on the topic of hope by Bryan Clark called, Hope Filled Living in a Culture of Despair: A Study in 2nd Peter. This book is designed to help you study the reality of hope to counter the depression and darkness this world is facing. It’s a profound resource on the topic of hope!

And if you are able to give $50 or more, we will send you Bryan Clark’s Study in 1st Peter as well.

Please help to bring the Bible into more lives, and hope to a despairing world, by giving generously today.

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