If you have a moment, I’d like to tell you the reason we are giving this book away for free—and why we’re trying to get it into the hands of as many people as possible right now.

When you look at the state of the Church and consider the beliefs that many self-proclaimed Catholics hold that are contrary to Church teaching, would you agree that there is a great need for traditional, Catholic teaching?

In order to heal and restore the Church, we need to teach as many people as possible about the reality of the traditional Catholic teaching—and we must work fast. 

Our goal to heal and restore the Church is crucial. And we can't do that without the support of donors like you. 

Would you consider supporting this effort today with a charitable donation? If you say yes, here’s what you’ll help us do:

  • You’ll help distribute this impactful eBook, The Holy Eucharist and Reverence. For every $50 you can give, we can present this eBook to more than 1,000 people.

  • Continue to provide free resources to those seeking answers in the spiritual life and those instructing others—RCIA and theology teachers, spiritual directors, pastors, youth ministers, retreat directors, and parents

  • Fund live, interactive webinar events that draw people from all over the world around some of the most crucial conversations in the Church today.

  • Guide those who do not have a spiritual director, or who desire to supplement their direction with solid resources on the interior life, discernment, and prayer.

  • Help men discerning a call to the priesthood become mature men of prayer and recollection, giving them opportunities for study, mentorship, and fellowship during one of the most crucial years of their lives.

  • Build facilities to sustain our explosive growth and reach even more faithful Catholics who know there is more and desire solid formation.

Your gift can make all of this happen!

If you believe that this is a worthy cause, then please join us today with a generous tax-deductible gift today of whatever your means allow. When you do, you will enhance the ongoing work of The Avila Institute for Spiritual Formation: reaching people and teaching them about truth and fullness of our Faith found in traditional, Catholic teaching so that they may navigate their spiritual battles and come to know, love and serve God.

For a limited time only when you donate $100 or more you will receive a copy of the best selling book Diary of an American Exorcist: Demons, Possession, and the Modern-Day Battle against Ancient Evil by Stephen J. Rosetti. Follow Msgr. Rossetti as he shares, without hype or varnish, what it is like, on a daily basis, to face demons who revile, threaten, and sometimes spiritually “wound” him. You will learn about the healing power of Christ for the possessed and experience the amazing moments when Christ and His Church visibly triumph over Satan.

Will you make your donation of $100 or more for this resource today? 


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