Help turn possibility into progress.

Help turn possibility into progress.

Your gift allows people with disabilities to thrive.

We see a future where everyone can contribute. Where people with disabilities are recognized, included, and empowered. A place like this can only exist if we build it together.

Your donation helps us bring that world to life through programs that partner with people with disabilities on education, life skills, career development, and so much more. Think of the great things your ongoing financial support can do.

How your donation has an impact.

Outreach & Impact

2M+ people will be invited to join our inclusivity movement

Career & Life Enrichment

188 people with disabilities take on getting and keeping a job

Workplace Inclusivity

250 employers build more inclusive workplaces

Community Homes

272 people have a place to call home

Support for Our Mission

500 volunteers will move the mission forward

Make a Difference Today.

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This month's donation will be processed immediately.

Beginning next month, the same amount will be processed on the date selected until the subscription is modified or cancelled.

For example: Johnny Smith, Sue Smith's Birthday, etc.

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        (320) 427-7473
        1815 South Wolf Road
        Hillside, Illinois 60162