Discover how God wants to give you ‘much more’
Many times in the Bible, God promises to do 'much more.' And the promises He made are available for you to know and experience today. Your Father loves you and wants to do much more than you could even hope or imagine when it comes to meeting your needs and desires!
That’s why we’d like to send you Bayless Conley's NEW study kit called The God of Much More as thanks for your gift today. It includes a practical, step-by-step study guide and the message on CD or MP3, so you can explore God’s Word individually or as a small group...
- Understand God's limitlessness
- Expect with confidence
- Reign in Him
As you dig deeper into God’s promises for your life, it is our prayer that you realize how precious you are to Him—and how He has so much more to offer you.
Please request your copy of The God of Much More study kit to discover all that God offers you. And thank you for your gift today to keep broadcasting God’s Word!