Get the Letter from God DVD!

What is God saying to America?  The LETTER TO AMERICA FROM GOD was written and produced to highlight the obvious work of God in the birth, development and rise to greatness of the United States of America. At APN, we truly believe that God has “shed His grace” on our nation. However, the video also depicts the moral and spiritual slide that has taken place and our belief that God has both blessed our nation as He said He would, but is now bringing judgment to America – as He said he would in Deut. 28 and elsewhere in Scripture. His warning is to turn back to Him and Him alone.  

We've included a suggested donation amount of $25 for the DVD, however, we'll be glad to send it to you for any amount you're able to give.

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      83 W. Main St., Suite 3
      Elverson, Pennsylvania 19520

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      American Pastors Network

      83 West Main St., Suite 3

      Elverson, PA 19520