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Tapestry is a place of loving, supportive, and authentic community where we encourage and equip families along their adoption and foster care journey.
- Our Vision: A healing home for every child
- Our Mission: To support and equip local churches and families with the tools and resources to wrap around and bring healing to adoptive and foster parents, children, and their families.
- Our Values: Trauma-informed, Compassionate, Faith-centered, Family-oriented, Healing-focused
- Our Core Beliefs: All children deserve a loving and healing family. Families who are called to adopt and foster need the proper tools to parent their child’s unique needs that are a result of early abuse, neglect, and abandonment. The local church is called to come alongside, wrap around, and enter in with these families. James 1:27 instructs the church to “…[care] for orphans and widows in their distress…]
We provide relevant information and resources to equip families for the journey of building trust, restoring hope, and relational healing. You can help Tapestry financially so that we can continue to help adoptive and foster families.